The short quiz is commonly referred to as “The 20 Questions” and the original, developed by researchers in the addiction field, has been adjusted many times over the years to include all mood-altering substances and prescription medications. As a quick provider in indicating areas of concern, it has proven a valuable tool keyed to behavior among substance abusers and those who may be drinking too much alcohol.
If you or someone you know feels they may have a problem with alcohol, drugs or prescription pills we recommend answering the following questions as honestly as you can! All that’s needed is a simple “yes” or “no” and you’ll gain a perspective on what you should be doing to turn things around promptly .
- Have I been gulping drinks rather than sipping them?
- When I’m under pressure do I drink or do drugs more than usual?
- Has drinking and substance abuse made me more impulsive and less rational?
- Do I feel guilty about drinking and doing drugs?
- Have I lost time from work because of my dependencies on alcohol and prescription meds?
- Has my drinking and drug use caused abusive conduct at home with my spouse and children?
- Do I continue drinking when companions have stopped?
- Do I sneak drinks or pop pills before or during social events?
- Have I ever had an auto accident because of drinking or substance abuse?
- Do I forget things that happened when I drink or use drugs?
- If alcohol is not available at a social event am I uncomfortable?
- Am I harder to get along with after drinking for a while?
- Do I still claim I can stop drinking and doing drugs whenever I want?
- Do I crave a drink at any special time every day?
- Do I ever need a drink first thing in the morning or a pill to get going?
- Did I ever hide a bottle or a “stash at home?”
- Do I prefer to drink alone so it’s possible to drink more?
- Have I lost a job because of my drug use or drinking?
- Do I ever need a drink or a couple of pills to get rid of the “shakes?”
- Do chemical substances or alcohol help me build confidence?
If you answered “yes” to several of these questions it may be time for you to take a closer look at your drinking or use of mood altering drugs. If you took the test for someone else you might want to confront that person now with your results. Those who did answer “yes” should strongly consider consulting with a treatment professional now. One doesn’t jump to conclusions but this test will point out the proper direction to take.
Dean Sunseri is a Licensed Profession Counselor experienced in General Mental Health Counseling and Substance Abuse Counseling. He is located in Baton Rouge LA. and can be contacted at .