It takes work to have a good marriage and the following are 10 practical suggestions to improve the quality of your marriage. Practice these principles and you will reap great benefits.
1. Create a date night either every week or every other week.
2. Every day pray to be loving, forgiving and appreciative.
3. Tell your partner often that you love him or her.
4. Do unexpected or random acts of kindness.
5. Touch, hold and hug, because your physical self is revitalized by loving, non-verbal communication.
6. Let others know how much your partners means to you. Public affirmation of your love increases the care in the relationship.
7. Create at least 30 minutes of quality time together daily.
8. Learn to be an excellent communicator, expressing thoughts and emotions freely.
9. Pray together, in private and in public.
10.Keep the growth of your marriage a high priority.
Dean Sunseri, LPC is a Marriage Counselor in Baton Rouge, LA. He can be contacted at 225-290-7252 or email.